3 Islands 3 Days – Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and Grenada
I just returned from a whirlwind business trip visiting 3 resorts on 3 Caribbean islands in just 3 days! Sandals and Beaches Resorts filled a chartered [...]
Packing Tips for your Carry On
Frustrated by all the airline baggage fees? I found this great article on USA Today that offers some great ideas that might help! Mind you, with [...]
5 Less-Stress Tips to Pack for Your Trip
Remember the scenes from movies set in the early 1900's, where the leading lady pages a porter to place her luggage aboard the train or [...]
Tahiti, French Polynesia
The islands of Tahiti, officially known as French Polynesia, are a group of volcanic islands and atolls strewn across the South Pacific Ocean. The most [...]